O3 Enterprise is really happy and proud to extend its network of partners, arriving for the first time in a new continent: Africa.
O3 lands in Africa
Nexmed & ZEEROmed Imaging

Nexmed Healthcare Solutions is a medtech company, aiming to improve patient’s care and clinical results through innovative and cutting-edge solutions.
The main goal of the company, founded in 2019, is to improve people’s lives by taking care of them through innovation.
Nexmed will represent O3 Enterprise, bringing the ZEEROmed Imaging in the whole Sub Saharan area. Besides, Nexmed is the first O3 partner coming from the African continent.
Nexmed, along with O3 Enterprise, believes that the future of healthcare lies in the hands of digital technology.
The african landscape seems to be particularly eager for technological innovations, thereby creating a great market potential.
Almost 80% of the medical output of the continent depends on external supplies, and the demand for high-tech products is higher in the private sector
In 2015, a total of 650 radiologists were registered in the whole South Africa, a low number given the vastness of the area, roughly equal to 1,2 radiologists per 100.000 residents: an inadequate number to satisfy people’s need for healthcare.
The ZEEROmed Imaging suite is designed to accommodate this kind of situation, allowing remote reporting and reducing the need for traveling between clinics, both for doctors and patients.
The ZEEROmed imaging suite includes a RIS, a PACS and a Viewer, both for diagnostic and clinical usage.
As an optional, the ZEEROmed.FEED software can be added to the mix: a smart and flexible hub for the distribution of images and reports and the creation of hospital networks.
For some time, O3 Enterprise has been interested in building relationships with african partners, hoping to take action in an environment that is full of potential.
We wish to make our part in helping in the best way this reality, alongside our partner Nexmed, by making us useful and by contributing to the Healthcare System development.