
New Features


Preview of pathology slides

When ZEEROmed PACS receives pathology slides, it notifies the integrated LIS that the slide has been received correctly.

From this point on, along with the notification message, the PACS will also send a preview of the slide.

The pathologist will then have the opportunity to view the preview directly from the LIS interface, making the workflow more efficient.


Digital Pathology

Over the past few months, several features have been developed and integrated into our Digital Pathology viewer.

Among the most notable updates is the ability to generate snapshots and send them directly to the LIS, as well as the option to define an area using freehand measurements, rather than just with polylines.

Additionally, changes have been made to the zoom toolbar and the sidebar containing slide previews, their identifiers, and coloring options. 

To enhance the pathologist’s experience, slide navigation is now smoother thanks to significant software refactoring.

Wado RS

The addition of WADO RS enables the retrieval of an entire study with a single call, rather than making multiple calls for each instance.