Innovative digital
slide management
The ZEEROmed suite for Digital Pathology accompanies pathology laboratories during the digital transition process.

The technology used supports the storage and display of digital slides regardless of their format, owner or DICOM, and the scanner. Using a single solution allows quick access to images, current and previous, without using different software and interfaces..
Zero footprint technology enables telepathology scenarios, optimizing resources and ensuring the best patient care. Sharing tools facilitate remote consultation and continuous exchange between pathologists and other specialists. Real-time working sessions foster the training of new pathologists, allowing active participation in the analysis of clinical cases..

The ZEEROmed solution for Digital Pathology ensures maximum interoperability with third-party devices and LIS applications to enable a fully digital flow. The solution enables short and medium-long-term storage optimization scenarios, including in multi-site and Cloud environments.
The ZEEROmed solution for digital pathology offers the possibility to archive digital slides in a flexible way, reducing the impact of storage in the project. In addition, complex storage policies can be created to suit any type of project: from single facilities to regional networks.
The archiving and display solution is completely independent of the type of scanner and can therefore be used in a heterogeneous environment without requiring the purchase of specific products.
ZEEROmed solutions are completely Cloud Native, so they are developed to make the most of cloud-based services and distribution models and ensure maximum scalability, flexibility and security.
ZEEROmed solutions can be provided both in SaaS and on-premises mode.
The integration with artificial intelligence algorithms provides valid support to the doctor in the prioritization of cases with high clinical risk and in the reporting phase.
Advanced sharing tools enable remote collaboration scenarios between clinicians, including those from different specialties, in order to optimise the diagnostic pathway and human resources.
The technology used for the display, fully web-based and zero footprint, and the advanced streaming algorithms allow remote reporting with an optimal user experience at all times.
With this technology, the pathology team and reporting activities can be optimised and productivity increased