ZEEROmed Suite
The web-based and Cloud-native solution for medical imaging.

The typical implementation involves the installation of the ZEEROmed STORE and ZEEROmed VIEW components on a central server on-premises or on the Cloud and the installation of the ZEEROmed FEED component on local peripheral sites.
The user connects via the web to the central server.
ZEEROmed VIEW is a fully web-based, zero footprint, certified medical software device for diagnosis.
It allows the display of diagnostic images and clinical data, is simple to use and supports a user-friendly interface.
Versions: Diagnostic, Clinical, Patient
Multilingual support: Italian, English, French, Finnish, (…)
Through the use of standard healthcare industry protocols and the implementation of web services, ZEEROmed VIEW guarantees interoperability with different healthcare systems:
- PACS or Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA)
- Electronic Medical Record
- Hospital information systems
- Patient portal
ZEEROmed VIEW can be integrated with third-party systems through the use of URLs based on identifiers (patient or examination), and the generation of a one-time token to ensure simple and secure integration.
- Opening examination or patient history on single or dual monitors
- Creation of ISO image of the selected studies (containing standalone display)
- Sending asynchronous anonymized study links
The ZEEROmed STORE application is a PACS-VNA system, optionally installable also in multi-tenancy mode, for the storage and management of medical images and other clinical data. Designed to be independent from the acquisition device vendor, ZEEROmed STORE can accommodate and manage data from all diagnostic specialities, whether in DICOM or non-DICOM format.
- deprecation and recovery of series and studies
- storage of non-DICOM digital slides
- creation of Key Object Selection (KOS)
- reconciliation of images
- order management
- patient metadata management
- transferring studies between different storage layers
- DICOM images;
- Images in NON-DICOM format (JPEG and PNG);
- DICOM video
- Video in NON-DICOM format (MPEG-4);
- DICOM documents;
- Documents in NON-DICOM format (PDF);
- ECG in NON-DICOM format (SCP, XML, etc.);
- DICOM digital slides (WSI);
- Digital slides in proprietary format (Leica SVS, Hamamatsu NDPI, 3DHistech MIRAX, Ventana BIF, etc.);
- Tiled TIFF.
ZEEROmed FEED is an application designed for the secure transfer of DICOM studies from the acquisition methods or from the archives present locally to the ZEEROmed STORE application.
Through the definition of configurable forwarding rules and the use of a built-in scripting engine, ZEEROmed FEED adapts to different integration needs, allowing advanced and optimized workflow management.
ZEEROmed FEED can act as an AI Broker by simplifying integration with third-party artificial intelligence algorithms and ensuring optimal processing flow.
ZEEROmed FEED può fungere da AI Broker semplificando l’integrazione con algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale di terze parti e garantendo un flusso ottimale di elaborazione.
- Worklist proxy
- DICOM and DICOMweb communication
- Configurable forwarding rules
- Advanced action management via scripting engine
- Anonymisation and pseudonymisation of data
- Data compression (lossless/lossy)
- Broker AI